Elisabeth Auer

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in Teddington

UKCP registered

Welcome to my website. I am a UKCP registered psychoanalytic psychotherapist with over 14 years of experience. My practice is located in the heart of Teddington, easily accessible from Twickenham, Kingston, Hampton and Whitton.


In Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, we explore how early relationships with significant others shape the way we relate and respond to challenging situations in our current life and relationships. Through our experiences with early caregivers, we internalize models of thinking, feeling, and behaving that become deeply engrained. These internalised models are activated during difficult situations such as loss, bereavement, separation, and transitions in life. These models may be well adapted, others may be outdated, requiring us to develop more suitable, age-appropriate and healthy patterns of response.


Changing these internalised patterns is not easy. The  process of change can be painful and prolongued, as we often cling to what feels familiar. Once we try new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, we may experience a newfound sense of freedom. This shift can lead to the opening of new possibilities in our lives.


Our early relationships with significant others are influenced by a variety of factors, including politics, economics, class, religion, sexuality and gender. In our exploration, we consider the impact of trauma, which may manifest as a single, overwhelming event or as a series of smaller injuries stemming from not being seen, recognized, or validated.


When trauma overwhelms us, we experience an emotional overload. If individuals have not learned to regulate their emotions, they seek outlets for the intensity and the "too-muchness" of their feelings. In therapy, we may explore your "choice" of outlet and the way it helps or hinders your personal wellbeing and sense of freedom.


Psychotherapy is a journey rather than a quick fix. The analytic therapy process typically unfolds over several months to years. The first meeting is an opportunity to get to know your therapist and ask questions. The first meeting serves as a valuable opportunity for you to get to know your therapist, ask questions, and discuss your concerns. Even if you ultimately decide not to continue with therapy, this initial session can provide important insights and help determine whether analytic therapy is a suitable avenue for you. Moreover, it allows both you and your therapist to assess the potential for a therapeutic alliance, which is essential for effective collaboration and meaningful progress.


If the above description resonates with you and you would like to arrange a first sessions, please get in touch. I strongly recommend starting with weekly sessions, as this frequency can be beneficial in establishing a strong therapeutic relationship. I look forward to hearing from you.

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