With nearly fifteen years of experience, I have engaged with clients from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. My therapeutic approach is informed by relational psychoanalysis, trauma research, neuropsychoanalysis, attachment theory, alongside classical psychoanalytic theories and ideas.
I have a strong interest in working with people from the LGBTQIA community and have completed several training courses on psychosexual topics, including affirmative workshops on kink. Additionally, I have expanded my knowledge through trainings in neurodiversity, autism, and ADHD.
I offer psychotherapy in both English and German and enjoy working with people who have faced the unique challenges of migration, whether as first or second-generation migrants, or those who have experienced othering.
My background as a former teacher in secondary education from Austria, has heightened my awareness of the challenges faced within the educational system, impacting parents, students and educators alike. Furthermore, as a parent of a now grown-up daughter, as well as a former childminder, I have a strong interest in developmental psychology and the crucial role that primary caregivers play in shaping children's lives.
Training Courses:
- Several online courses in Neuropsychoanalysis at the The International Neuropsychoanalysis Society
- Level 2 qualification in Understanding Autism by Free Courses in England
- ADHD and ADD in Adult Psychotherapy by Phil Mollon/Tavistock Relationships
- Guidance for Psychological Therapists - Enabling Conversations with Clients Taking or Withdrawing from Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs
- Sexuality beyond Consent - Avgi Saketopoulou and Barnaby Barratt (Discussion)
- The Evolution of Curative Kink by The Center for Positive Sexuality
- Neurodiversity and BDSM by Lifeworks Psychotherapy
- Fundamentals of Kink: Understanding and Working with Kink-Identified and Kink-Practicing Individuals, The Psychological Impact of Suppressing Kink Identity, The Flogger keeps the Score: Navigating Kink through a Trauma Informed Lens by The Affirmative Couch
- Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace by University of Pittsburgh/Coursera
- Working with Sexuality - Bodies, Desires and Imagination by Confer
- Lacan-inspired Psychotherapy and Jacques Lacan: An Introductory Overview by IAPS - the Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies
- How to Work with the Part of Trauma That Can’t Be Verbalized by NICABM
- Chronic Pain and Disrupted Early Attachments. A Holistic Overview for Psychotherapists by Confer
- Polyvagal Theory Master Class by Psychotherapy Networker
- Post Slavery Syndrome - Exploring The Clinical Impact Of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade by Confer
- Mindfulness Training: Introduction, Attention, and the Present Moment by Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies
- Personality Disorder Certification Training. Advanced Diagnosis, Treatment & Management by Gregory Lester, PESI
- Treating Personality Disorders: Advances from Brain Science and Traumatology by Noel R. Larson, PESI
- An Introduction to Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) Basic Training by Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
- Advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) by Centre of Excellence
- Making Sense of Your Life by R. Cassidy Seminars
- Foundation for Infant Loss Training, Accreditation
- Successful Way to Work with Clients Who Struggle with Deep Feelings Of Shame by NICABM
- Practical Strategies For Working With a Client’s Feelings of Worthlessness by NICABM
- Clinical Implications and Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview with Dan Siegel by PESI